Super Mum: Miriam Pierre from Nurture Collective

Super Mum: Miriam Pierre from Nurture Collective

Super Mum: Miriam Pierre from Nurture Collective

It's back! We are pleased to welcome the return of our Super Mums blog, a series where we interview Mums who inspire us here at Hunter+Boo.

We are super excited to kick things off with Miriam Pierre, a champion of small and independant businesses, Miriam launched her platform Nurture Collective to offer a range of super cool ethical brands together in one place (including Hunter+Boo we might add!)

Check out the full interview below where we talk with Miriam about juggling That Lockdown Life, green steps we can take during the pandemic, and why you shouldn't worry about having a cream sofa during a home birth :)

How’s your lockdown been and what’s been your daily routine?

I have been thoroughly enjoying a slower pace of family life and more quality time with my family. It took a little while to adjust to the new routine but now my mornings consist of morning cuddles in bed with Yasmin at around 7am, hubby Karl gets up to start his day next door "in the office" and Yasmin and I get up and get dressed. I get ready for my morning PT Zoom session which I lead with my group of girls, then quick shower followed by family breakfast ready for Yasmin's daily Zoom Spanish class. After that we normally go for a walk - we have beautiful gardens plus a huge common right across the road from where we live in Leamington Spa - its been an absolute godsend during this time!
After lunch and in the afternoons I mix it up with different activities from creative, baking, learning numbers or phonetics followed by free playtime. We started a scrapbook journal with Yasmin where she has stuck in drawings and topics she's learnt about such as bees, shapes, spiders, etc.. or school lead topics.
We have bathtime followed by a sit down together family evening meal and then Yasmin goes to bed around 7.30pm. 
Its then time for me to start working on my business, which can be hard but it's fun and all part of the juggle.

What's your daily uniform/mum uniform?

Gym gear or Comfy! T-shirt and jeans. I love being comfortable… Gosh does that sound mumsy..!!

No that sounds like us too! What is your favorite green brand? 

Elvis & Kresse – recycling to create a luxury fashion brand I just love what they stand for - they exist because they wanted to solve a waste problem (ex-fire hoses) and creating great quality bags came second.

Lowie - beautiful small successful womenswear brand in south London stylish comfortable stylish and sustainable- ticking all my boxes!

Who Gives A Crap – don’t like the name but the brand ethics are great.

Do you have any tips on how we can stay green-focused during this pandemic? 

I would say its less about staying green but more a wonderful opportunity to try new things such as reusable nappies or refills. In general, we are spending more time at home and there is less pressure to be anywhere or do anything in a certain time. New mums should definitely try reusable nappies or wipes or try zero waste products and it can be fun too as you can get older kids involved and teach them about it too. I would also say support local and independent business as more than ever it creates happy dances :) Lastly appreciate and take time to enjoy family life and nature. 

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I was always dreaming of being a ballet dancer. I was inspired after reading a book on life of a Ballet Dancer and I thought well that’s it all I need to do is attend the White Lodge Ballet School and I can make it. Of course, it was never going to be that easy but I kept going and eventually trained as a contemporary dancer which in turn lead me to some amazing opportunities.

Which females inspires you?

Michelle Obama - I love the way she speaks and her views as on life as black American woman of an ex USA president. She carries herself well and has wonderful charm

Ferne Cotton - she really nailed her TV & Radio career and, but I love that after she became a mum for the second time, she took a career change... it’s something that I can identify with.

Anita Roddick- I love what she achieved with the Body Shop turning it from two shops into a worldwide chain. She was ahead of her time in terms of marketing and business sense.

What was your life like pre-baby and how has it changed since?

It hasn’t really changed as I am still able to do most things I did before my daughter came; I think most people are ready to lead a family-focused life which is why you had kids in the first place - that’s how it feels to me. I do feel life has got busier as there are more people in it! But I embrace the busyness, it gives me focus.

What do you love most about your work?

Meeting like-minded people and businesses who are passionate about sustainability and interested in how the world is changing.

What advice would you give to a potential mumpreneur who is looking to start her own business?

Research your ideas thoroughly and road test it with potential customers. Accept all feedback as a gift and be prepared to change direction which can sometimes be so difficult when you believe passionately in your idea.

Any tips for us working mums on juggling career and motherhood?

Be as well organized as you can be, build a fantastic support network and accept that not everything is possible in one day.

What are you working on now and what’s in the pipeline for the future?

Really focusing on growing the business and developing the visual icons to enable customers to really measure their impact at the point of purchase.

Such an awesome feature! What is your philosophy on motherhood?

Don’t sweat the small stuff and be prepared to say sorry when you’re wrong – even if they are three.

What's been your proudest moment as a parent to date?

Having an amazing natural home birth which was most incredible 8-hour journey I have ever been on with myself! I was blown away by my own body’s capabilities. The whole pregnancy journey is pretty amazing. 

And teaching my daughter to sing Spanish nursery rhymes when we don’t really speak Spanish!

What's been your biggest lessons learned being a mum

Patience for sure!

And any funny parenting stories to share? 

Once I found I was pregnant, Karl and I thought we would do some nesting of our home by buying a gorgeous new sofa – in cream! At the last stage of my home birth, I was literally about to birth Yasmin, and Karl started suggesting “not on the sofa not on the sofa how about this nice wooden chair!” - I could literally have killed him! Luckily the midwife was on hand to keep us all focused and Yasmin was born safely on to the sofa without even a trace of evidence!

That's amazing! Thanks so much for speaking with us Miriam :)

You can check out the awesome products on offer at Nurture Collective here.

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